By Guest Author Joe Brockoff
We have heard it through the ages-"Get the bat off your shoulder!" It is a common phrase used by fans, coaches, parents, and players. The question is "Why is that so bad?"
Here is what happens when a player moves his bat away from his body in his hitting stance. As he does this, he separates his hands from his body, and ends up more often than not with his hands out over the plate on contact. This technique will produce only an arm swing, with no body support.
So why is that a problem? Let's look at it this way.
If you had to arm wrestle an opponent, would you want your hands away from your body? Or would you want your hands close to the body for support?
If you had to throw the best punch you could, would you hold your hands away from the body? No, you would not. Your hands would be in a fist right at the back shoulder.
If you had to push an automobile, would you want your hands at your side, or would you want them in front of you? Your body gives thrust to your hands. So naturally, you would want your hands in front of you.
Now, stand up like you're at home plate with your bat out over the plate like it is in contact with the ball. What's behind your hands? Nothing! When this happens, your body gives your hands no support.
You might say..."I've seen major leaguers start with their hands away from their bodies. So it must be good." Yes, they do. But major leaguers make an adjustment: before they direct the bat towards the pitch, they pull their hands back to their bodies in the shoulder area. We usually don't see this, because it happens so quickly. But research shows that is exactly what they do.
Therefore, let us be clear. You will always be in a better position to hit for good contact and distance if you keep your hands up and close to the back shoulder in your stance. Now allow your hips to rotate, keeping your hands at the shoulder until they move to contact the ball. Now your hands are in front as they enter the contact zone, not over the plate.
So if you want to learn how to hit better in baseball, remember this rule: The only time separation of the hands from the body occurs is when they move forward to hit the ball.
Hi. I'm Coach Joe Brockoff, a Division I Head Baseball Coach for Tulane University for more than 19 years, and former minor league player for the New York Yankees. Over the years, I've taught thousands of baseball players how to increase batting speed and improve their overall performance on the field. In fact, my proven training system has sent 45 baseball players to the pros.
As a coach committed to continuous improvement, I share my baseball drills, tips, and techniques here so that you will, in turn, inspire and motivate young players to improve their game. I hope you'll visit my web site, the Super 8 Baseball Hitting System at to watch some of my free instructional videos.
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Have a great day, Nick