Blocking Out Distractions in a Baseball Game
By John Kochanski
In this day and age, with everything we've got going on, it's too easy to get distracted. And playing baseball is no different. Distraction is something that you voluntarily give your attention, diverting it from whatever else you were doing. Distraction can dull your mental abilities for an instant; enough time to miss a crucial point in a game.
Examples of Getting Distracted? How easy is it to get distracted? Right now try to clear your mind of all thoughts for just 30 seconds. Try it, concentrate only your breathing, no thinking about having to go to the bank tomorrow, gotta feed the cat, etc. etc.
How Do You Block Out Distractions The way to block out distractions in a baseball game is to focus on the task at-hand. If you're in the field go over what you will do if the ball is hit to you. If you are up at bat - did you watch the pitches while you were on deck? Do you know how many outs there are on, how many men are on base.
Talk to Your Teammates Another tip for avoiding distractions is to constantly talk to your teammates. Let them know how many outs there are, how many men are on base and what to do when the ball comes their way. Also can be stay active by backing up throws and making sure you're players are positioned correctly defensively.
Avoid Looking Around Try to avoid looking at the scoreboard and your family and friends in the stands. Avoid talking about anything about the game. When you're in the dugout stay focused on the game.
There are mental exercises you can perform to increase your attention span and avoid distractions. In fact, activities such as meditation and yoga will significantly increase your overall mental awareness and help you skip those distractions.
Learn more!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Kochanski
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