Keeping Baseball Batting Simple
By Robert Wicks
You ever notice that after long slump you always hear baseball coaches and baseball player's say they need to get back to the basics? Too often players get away from the type of baseball training that made them successful. This is exactly why I always tell my players to stay simple!
Well, in short, people have trouble keep things simple. For whatever reason, we as humans like to complicate things more than they have to be! Don't believe me? How many arguments have started while trying to park a car? Should be pretty stress free parking one car into one open parking space right? Oh no, by the time some one cuts you off, you miss a space, and your fellow passenger asks you what you are doing, chances are a small argument has started!
It's not 90% mental because it is so complex, it's 90% mental because it is so simple! And once again, we as humans find a way to complicate it more than it has to be! No matter how simple of a solution and issue has, we will find a way to make it the problem harder to solve than we have too. Here's some proof, how many arguments do you have over finding a parking space in a crowded parking lot?
Keep it simple stupid! My father first said this to me when I was 8 years old and it holds just as true today as it did years ago. He then asked me a very simple question. What do you want to accomplish with every swing? I responded as any 8 year old would with, "Get a hit!".
How do think that translates into your baseball batting? I'll tell you! You take one bad swing and you have a 5 paragraph essay ready to roll on why it was so bad. One swing and you got all of that! Who cares? You can't do anything about it now! Keep it simple! What can you do right next time to make your next swing better?
Here is what to do! Create three positive baseball oriented action steps you can say to yourself before every swing. Use phrases like, load smooth and slow, drive your backside hard, and finish toward the field of play you want to hit the ball. Then when you have the three that help you the most, stop thinking! That is it, I promise! If you can keep it simple and stay positive, you will become a better baseball batter!
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Wicks
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Have a great day, Nick